List of commits
- New Rust application
- Create a window
- Create OpenGL context
- Extract render module
- Draw a triangle
- Handle shader compilation errors
- Draw a cube
- Transform vertex to world coordinates
- Move cube around via affine transformation
- Use perspective projection
- Change color of each side of cube
- Enable depth testing
- Render multiple cubes
- Stretch cube to match aspect ratio
- Add texture to cube
- Textures have sharper edges
- Generate random grass texture
- Press Escape to quit
- Default to fullscreen
- Add a world representation
- Move camera around
- Move continously
- Fixed timestep
- Print frames per second
- Rotate camera left and right
- Move in direction of heading
- Look up and down
- Increase world size and profile slowdown
- Cache uniform locations
- Use instancing to send block positions in bulk
- Cache block positions at startup
- Add height to the world
- Randomize height
- Add directional lighting
- Create terrain from heightmap
- Add skybox
- Generate stars
- Require active program to update uniform
- Heightmap with coarser grid
- Use Perlin noise
- Disable vsync when benchmarking
- Only render the top block at each XZ cell
- Fill in gaps in cliffs